Module trustML.metrics.avgrobustnessbound

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from trustML.metrics.metric import Metric
from art.metrics import RobustnessVerificationTreeModelsCliqueMethod
from art.estimators.classification import SklearnClassifier
import pandas as pd

class AverageBoundSKLTree(Metric):
    """Average robustness bound of a decision-tree sklearn-based model on the provided dataset 
    (data_x, data_y) using the ART package.

    This metric is typically used to verify the robustness of the classifier on the provided dataset.
        Metric (Class): Metric abstract class
    def __init__(self):

    def assess(self, trained_model, data_x, data_y):
        print("Computing average robustness bound metric...")
        rf_skmodel = SklearnClassifier(model=trained_model)
        rt = RobustnessVerificationTreeModelsCliqueMethod(classifier=rf_skmodel)        
        average_bound, verified_error = rt.verify(x=data_x.values, y=pd.get_dummies(data_y).values, eps_init=0.001, 
        nb_search_steps=1, max_clique=2, max_level=1)

        self.score = average_bound


class AverageBoundSKLTree

Average robustness bound of a decision-tree sklearn-based model on the provided dataset (data_x, data_y) using the ART package.

This metric is typically used to verify the robustness of the classifier on the provided dataset.


Metric : Class
Metric abstract class
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class AverageBoundSKLTree(Metric):
    """Average robustness bound of a decision-tree sklearn-based model on the provided dataset 
    (data_x, data_y) using the ART package.

    This metric is typically used to verify the robustness of the classifier on the provided dataset.
        Metric (Class): Metric abstract class
    def __init__(self):

    def assess(self, trained_model, data_x, data_y):
        print("Computing average robustness bound metric...")
        rf_skmodel = SklearnClassifier(model=trained_model)
        rt = RobustnessVerificationTreeModelsCliqueMethod(classifier=rf_skmodel)        
        average_bound, verified_error = rt.verify(x=data_x.values, y=pd.get_dummies(data_y).values, eps_init=0.001, 
        nb_search_steps=1, max_clique=2, max_level=1)

        self.score = average_bound


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